8 Film Musicals For People Who Don't Like Musicals

3. The Muppets (2011)

Originally, The Muppet Show was created in the late 70€s by Jim Henson and lasted for five seasons until 1981. Jim Henson passed away in 1990, and as years went by, the Muppets became less relevant among low-brow reality TV shows and CGI-saturated morning cartoons. Recently, the rights to the characters have been bought by Disney to resurrect the franchise. Although, there's more than a ten year gap between The Muppets and their last cinematic outing, surprisingly enough, the movie isn't a reboot to please younger audiences. Instead, it acknowledges the Muppets' decline of popularity over the years to hit on the nostalgic chords. The film packs an emotional punch as we discover the realistic effects the passing of years has had on our favorite Muppets. However, the Muppets have never taken themselves too seriously and they are clearly here to make us laugh. Jason Segel's smart script is chock-full of hilarious one-liners, while the director showcases his flair for visual comedy. Winking at itself, the movie is filled with the Muppets' trademark fourth wall-breaking moments. And of course, there's the songs, including a wickedly funny rap from the villain, a beautifully moving rendition of the "Rainbow Connection", and an Oscar-winning ballad. However, the true highlights are the chirpy "Life's a Happy Song", a clever parody of streetwide dancing musical numbers. And especially, the heart-rending "Pictures In My Head", sung with nostalgia by Kermit, as he reminisces about the old gang, that is sure to bring a tear to your eyes. At the time of writing, the sequel is already showing on the screens. Let's hope it's as good as this one because we will always need the Muppets. As long as there are talking frogs and singing bears, Swedish chefs and boomerang fish, the world can't be that bad a place...

When Matthieu is not discussing movies and video games, he is usually watching movies and playing video games.