7. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008)
The controversial fourth instalment in the beloved Indiana Jones franchise, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull takes everyone's favourite fedora-wearing archeologist into the 1950s and the middle of Cold War paranoia. The film's opening sequence, arguably its most enjoyable plot point, involves Jones and frequent side-switcher Mac taken prisoner by a Soviet team led by Cate Blanchett's Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko. Indiana is forced to help Spalko infiltrate a secretive warehouse in the Nevada desert to recover an alien body found at the Roswell Incident. In a scene that leads to Spalko taking possession of an otherworldly crystal skull and the cameo reappearance of a certain Ark, Indiana manages to make his escape from the Soviets amidst massive amounts of gunfire and crate destruction. The warehouse is quickly forgotten, as Indiana soon finds himself in MUCH bigger and more fiery trouble. There is an entity that would not have forgotten the warehouse so easily: its owners, the United States of America. Not only was a highly secretive item stolen from a supposedly confidential site, American soldiers were murdered by the Soviets on their approach to the warehouse. Not to mention the simple fact that the Soviets' presence on American soil would have constituted a war, the actual spilling of blood and the subsequent theft would have sealed the deal on World War III. Hell, following the political fallout from this would be better than what we actually got, which was a neckerchiefed Ray Winstone and goddamned aliens. Shame really.
I'm a fan of all things comic book and an avid moviegoer. Trying to catch up on a never-ending backlog of films- maybe someday. Leave me a comment if you enjoy my articles, think I'm a hack, or anywhere in between.