8 Films That Suffered Horrendous Delays

7. The Cabin In The Woods

CabinintheWoods One of the most innovative horror films in recent years, Cabin in the Woods went through a gruelling series of delays and setbacks before finally getting its release in 2012. Filmed back in 2009, it was during the post-production process that difficulties began. First off some foolish employee insisted that the film be converted to 3D, delaying the initial February 2010 release until January 2011. Then in June 2010 MGM rather inconsiderately decided to declare bankruptcy, rendering the film indefinitely delayed. Luckily the kind folk at Lionsgate jumped in and the film finally got its release in April 2012. Lionsgate deserve considerable credit for saving Cabin - a combination of The Evil Dead, The Truman Show and little bits of every monster-based horror movie ever made, it was an original contribution to an increasingly stale genre.


Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk