8 Films That Would Make Great Musicals

2. The Room

It would not come as a surprise to anyone to find out this has become an independently financed musical in some black box in Los Angeles. If there is anything to be said about Tommy Wiseau's unintentional masterpiece it is that it has some bafflingly dedicated fans. Like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Room holds midnight screenings across the country, marked with their own special ceremonies and in-jokes. A musical adaptation of this beloved so-bad-it's-good classic would depend heavily on The Rocky Horror effect working in reverse. That is, an underground cult film becoming a successful musical as opposed to the other way around. The material in the film is ripe for riffing - subplots that go nowhere, inscrutable character motivations, and some of the most truly perplexing dialogue ever written. While it cannot be self aware, as that could ruin the appeal of the whole deal, this laughable tragedy presented as melodramatic drama has undeniable appeal to a certain niche audience off-Broadway, who want to see their beloved (if ludicrously erratic) characters rendered on screen. Show-Stopping Number: "You're Tearing Me Apart!" - melodramatic bombast from Johnny (solo), facing the emotional stress from his manipulating future-wife, Lisa.

Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.