8 Films With "Subtle" Messages (That Are REALLY Obvious)

5. The Matrix

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

The Matrix's central idea is as relatable as it is bold: the life that we know is a computer-generated collective hallucination, force-fed to us by the sinister forces that control the world, in order to keep us docile and compliant.

Still, there's a deeper meaning - one it took 20 years to uncover.

Coming from Matrix director Lilly Wachowski, she recently confirmed the theory about its thematics and story resembling transitioning are true.

It may have taken time for these conversations to come forward, but the movie is filled with references, imagery and overall thematics that once you're aware of the intent, back everything up.

First off, Neo begins the film with a closeted life until Morpheus gives him a red pill, explaining the nature of true reality. Right off the bat, in the 90s, the estrogen pills given to trans women were red.

This helps Neo understand and inhabit their real body, unleashing all their potential. Their body and mind can do things they never dreamed possible.

In the simulation, Neo was nobody. In reality, they matter. The Matrix is even more interesting this way, and it's empowering too.

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The Matrix
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