8 Most God-Awful Movie Superheroes Not Based On Existing Material

2. Robbie Rabbit - The Adventures of the American Rabbit (1986)

American Rabbit There's a reason why some things fall of the face of the Earth into obscurity and aren't brought up again until somebody decides, three decades later, to include it as a point on an arbitrary internet list. That's to say, I'm sorry that you even have to learn about The Adventures of the American Rabbit, which would surely be regarded as the worst animated movie of all-time if people cared enough to even bring it up in conversation. The plot of this nightmare concerns one Robbie Rabbit (seriously - that's what they called him), who is born with the ability to transform into (sigh) the American Rabbit, which makes no sense at all, I know. So Robbie races around on rollerskates, fighting crime whilst moonlighting as a piano player in a nightclub ran by a panda. This is what MGM where making in 1986 under their "Clubhouse Pictures" division. Why? Worst of all, no care or attention is put into the American Rabbit mythology - Robbie is just born with superpowers, and that's it.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.