8 Great Horror Villains Trapped In Terrible Movies
6. Pumpkinhead - Pumpkinhead
Another slasher villain who managed to get himself a franchise in spite of shaky foundations, Pumpkinhead has thus far managed three sequels, none of which are much cop. Effects maestro Stan Winston directed the film as well as designing Pumpkinhead himself - sadly not one of the man's finest moments. While Winston's special effects are as on point as ever (if a little too Buffy villain looking) the story rarely lives up to the central idea, not really giving Pumpkinhead any sense of personality or room to breathe. Lance Henriksen manages to enliven matters (Lance Henriksen always manages to enliven matters) but there's no hiding the fact that it all feels like a bit of a waste of time and talent. A reboot is currently in the works (of course it is) - here's hoping that they can imbue its tale of mythology and vengeance with the verve and panache it so deserves. He is the grand pumpkin after all.
A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.