8 "Great" Movies You Actually Only Remember For The Plot Twist

2. The Illusionist (2006)

Shutter Island
Yari Film Group

What People Remember About The Film: "He's a twin! Oh, wait, no, that's a different film about magicians, isn't it? The Illusionist? Oh, yeah.... the girl was alive the entire time, and Ed Norton, like, framed Paul Giamatti!"

The Illusionist is the other movie about magicians that came out at around the same time as The Prestige in that weird, serendipitous Antz/A Bug's Way - a Hollywood coincidence that has since led to people getting these movies confused roughly four times a day. Whilst The Prestige is packed full of memorable scenes and happenings, however, the story behind The Illusionist simply escapes the memory.

This is a pretty highly regarded film we're talking about, and one featuring fine performances from most of its cast - especially Ed Norton, who plays a magician named Eisenheim, and Paul Giamatti, who plays the cop who's out to get him.

The basic story is based around a romance (Jessica Biel is love interest Sophie), but you'd be pressed to recall any of Norton's interactions with his beau. The plot unravels in such a vague, mysterious way that it's difficult to absorb the scenes, so focused are you on trying to decode what's happening. This essentially renders everything else - save for the final reveal in which we discover Sophie has faked her death all along and the whole thing was a scheme - kind of forgettable.

As Roger Ebert said in his admittedly positive review of the film, "the screenplay and direction aren't that strong," and that pretty much sums it up - you need more than a twist for a film to stay with you longer than the time it takes to drive home.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.