8 Heroic Movie Sacrifices That Ultimately Meant Nothing

2. Robert Neville €“ I Am Legend

Robert Neville The revised ending of I Am Legend serves as the perfect cautionary tale against executive meddling, because it didn€™t make any damn sense. Let me just set the scene for the travesty that occurs €“ through the accidental haphazardness of his fellow survivors, Will Smith€™s fortified home is besieged by hordes of agile zombie-mutants, something made all the more inconvenient by the fact he€™s just discovered a cure for the virus which ravaged the world. Pushed back into his basement laboratory, he attempts to reason with the monsters but to no avail. So he gives the €˜cure€™ €“ actually just some cured blood in a vial €“ to the survivors and stuffs them in a coal chute while he blow up with a grenade, taking the monsters with him. Yet here€™s the question €“ why does he sacrifice himself? He could just as easily put himself in the chute as well and fling the grenade out €“ after all, the girl actually shouts to him that there€™s room for him. Yet no, Will Smith wants to go out in a blaze of glory, so he flings himself headlong into the zombies, grenade in hand. It€™s just stupid on so many levels, because not only is his death pointless, is actively detrimental to the film. Remember, Neville was already a super-genius before the virus, so with most of the population decimated his value would only increase. After all, it€™s not as if that cure could be figured out by your average person €“ after all, it€™s still something which needs further refinement by a pharmacologist. Neville doesn€™t even know if there are any survivor communities out there, but he still flings himself €“ and thus the only intellect capable of manifesting a cure €“ into certain death. Good going, idiot.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.