8 Hidden Secrets In Horror Movies That Will Blow Your Mind

1. The Warning Lights Make Noise - A Quiet Place

Midsommar Florence Pugh

A Quiet Place expertly sets up a world where sound is the enemy, with even the slightest accidental clang resulting in an instantaneous, gruesome death. Of course, that means the Abbott family decides it's a good idea to introduce perhaps the noisiest thing possible to their set up in the form of a new baby - but bad decisions aside, they're at least incredibly well prepared to deal with the inevitable mess the whole birthing situation is going to cause.

Clocking that she's going into labour, Evelyn hits a switch that lights their homestead up with red string lights, alerting her family to what's going on without having to speak a word. What particularly observant watchers have spotted, however, is that the lights aren't just for decoration, but actually produce an almost imperceptible high-pitched noise. Considering the family aren't aware of the cochlear implant abilities, they're likely unaware of the sound, which makes it even more tragic that this draws the creatures outside to investigate.

What makes this even better is that the film opens with a set of traffic lights that has been knocked to the ground and disconnected - one of the very few amounts of wreckage in the post-apocalyptic world. The creatures likely did this themselves to take out the noise source from the red light.

And, just to further prove the filmmakers attention to detail with noises, they made sure to keep the crisp section in the background of the shop the Abbott's scavenge fully stocked. They'd be far too noisy to eat in this silent new world.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.