8 Hollywood Stars Who Didn't Accept Their Oscars

5. Woody Allen Had A Standing Engagement To Play Clarinet

Marlon Brando The Godfather
United Artists

While Woody Allen's acting may not have won him many awards, he has received twenty-four nods from the Academy over the course of his 55-year career, spanning from 1977's Annie Hall (his seventh film) through to 2014's Streetcar Named Desire reimagining Blue Jasmine.

This run has resulted in four wins in the Best Director and Best Original Screenplay categories, with two for Annie Hall, and one each for Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) and Midnight in Paris (2011), the latter of which also made him the oldest winner of this award at the age of 76.

Though Allen has never shown any animosity towards the Academy, he has consistently refused to attend all but one of their ceremonies and never accepted his Oscar wins; much like several of his contemporaries in this article, Allen takes umbrage with the very concept of awards. His oft-thumbed excuse for not appearing is that he has a standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble (and, believe it or not, he does actually play).

The single occasion he did put in an appearance was the 2002 ceremony, at which he held forth on the importance of continuing to film movies in New York following the September the 11th terror attacks.

However, with allegations of sexual abuse levelled at Allen resurfacing in the years since, it's unlikely the filmmaker will be asked to attend any future awards ceremonies.


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