8 Horror Movie Remakes That Pissed Off The Original Creators
6. The Wicker Man (2006)

The Wicker Man remake is a hilarious piece of art. That's just an objective fact. It might totally fail as a horror movie, but as a piece of comedy gold it's virtually unrivalled.
From the script to the direction to the performances, it's the kind of bad that you can only achieve when someone is trying so hard to be good, and as a result you can totally see why it's become a cult favourite in the fifteen-plus years since its release. Whether you're screaming "not the bees!" or punching people off their bikes while dressed in a bear costume, you'll have been influenced by this movie.
However, while that might be good for you and me, you can see how the creators of the original Wicker Man would be a bit pissed off that they have to be associated with this embarrassing trainwreck.
Even before release though, original director Robin Hardy was annoyed by the remake, demanding that his name be taken off all the marketing and promotional material.
Star Christopher Lee similarly didn't care for the new take, or new takes on any of his films for that matter, at one point saying that he simply "didn't believe in remakes".
Later, Hardy would make his own belated follow up to The Wicker Man titled The Wicker Tree, which sadly bombed with critics. At the time, he quipped that even in spite of the terrible reviews, it was still "a thousand times better than the remake."