8 Horror Movies Ruined By Last Minute Changes

5. Crimewave - Sinister Shemping

crimewave nun shocked
Columbia Pictures

Most of the production of this horror-comedy-noir mish-mash was a nightmare, but what foiled any potential for it coming together was the studio’s late decision to push the film’s creators out of its cutting.

Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell were at odds with their stake-holders right from the get-go, with their vision and creative control constantly being stifled. Essentially the only two men with the big-picture understanding and intention for the film were criminally underutilised and ignored.

When the movie reached post, it could have been just enough to let them pull it all together using their creative prowess and lateral thinking. Instead of this though, production company Embassy banned the duo from being involved in the editing - replacing them with an unrelated editor of their choosing.

Because of its nature it’s unlikely the film was ever going to bang at the box-office, but the hasty and petty ousting of the film’s creators definitely can’t have helped its eventual form.


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