8 Horror Movies That Turned Badasses Into Wimps

4. Freddy Vs. Jason - Jason Voorhees

Pennywise It Chapter 2
New Line Cinema

This one is debatable to be fair, but in a lot of ways this film really did Jason dirty as a villain in his own right. Instead of being a terrifying, powerful bad guy he is mostly just a puppet for Freddy.

Time and again Jason is controlled and directed by Freddy: summoning him and using him to do his own bidding, and tranquilising him whilst possessing Freeburg for example.

At times it’s even framed as if Jason isn’t capable enough alone to even fight Freddy. It’s the teens that drag him to the Camp Crystal Lake unconscious to have the film’s big battle, Lori even goes to sleep at one point expressly to save Jason from Freddy.

Since when does Jason Voorhees need saving from anyone? And since when can that guy be kept sedated long enough to be transported anywhere by a bunch of kids?

When you then also add into the mix that Jason apparently has a paralysing fear of water (literally turning him into a crying kid at one point), it just makes for a disappointing and non-intimidating villain. If he’s so scared of water, couldn’t everyone have just survived by going out on a boat and waiting things out?

In fairness they also tried to claim that Freddy is afraid of fire, which seems equally reductive and stupid. In the scale of things though, Jason was definitely made to be the wimp of the pair.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.