8 Horror Movies Twice As Terrifying On The Second Watch
3. The Thing
Speaking of paranoia, The Thing is a paranoiac's worst nightmare. Imagine being trapped on the edge of the world with a creature that can perfectly mimic anyone around you, and will kill or assimilate you if given half a chance. That is good old-fashioned nightmare fuel.
Loaded with jump scares galore and brilliantly realized tension, watching The Thing for the first time is an unforgettable experience.
Watching it the second time evokes entirely different fears. At first, you fixate on each doomed character, trying to figure out when they've been infected. You mentally map the base, and try to figure out the creature's movements, its plans.
Finally, with deepening horror, you obsess over the closing sequence, watching Childs and MacReady slowly freeze to death, trying to figure out if one of them is the creature after all, and if the planet is doomed.
It's haunting and terrifying all at once.