8 Horror Movies With Different Endings In Different Countries

5. Fatal Attraction

Army of Darkness Different Endings

Classic horror-thriller Fatal Attraction unforgettably ends with bunny-boiler Alex (Glenn Close) being shot to death by Beth (Anne Archer) - the wife of Dan (Michael Douglas), the man who Alex is psychotically obsessed with.

Yet if you saw the movie in Japan during its original theatrical release, things went a little differently, with a slightly bleaker, more complicated alternate ending which only surfaced on home media years later.

In this ending, Alex isn't killed by Beth but instead takes her own life, slitting her throat and framing Dan for her murder, resulting in him being arrested.

However, the harshness of this ending is mitigated by Beth discovering an audio tape in which Alex threatens to kill herself. Beth is then shown getting ready to take the tape to the police in order to clear her husband's name.

Though the ending shown outside of Japan is certainly tidier, Glenn Close herself resented filming it, and the haunting final image in the original ending - of Alex bringing a knife to her throat - certainly leaves a deeper impression.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.