I'm not going to lie, I think Friday The 13th isn't a good film. It's an obvious ripoff of the Halloween formula and doesn't even bother to copy what made Halloween so atmospheric. Rather than building tension and dread, Friday The 13th is just slow and unintentionally parodic due to relying on jump scares. With that being said, there was one scene many would agree was effective-and that's not just because it includes Kevin Bacon. During some post-coital relaxation, Bacon's head is grabbed by someone under his bed-which is admittedly poorly conceived given the hand placement-and has an arrow gradually pushed through the back and out the front of his trachea. Ouch. Despite its crudeness, this scene encapsulates why such a bad series continued for so long. The practical effects makes this scene so visceral that it manages to be cringe inducing upon every viewing for me. Rather than cutting away, the shot holds on his throat as it's being punctured. It's hard to remember that Bacon ISN'T being stabbed through his trachea. While slashers like Halloween danced around the viscera of Michael's actions, Friday The 13th was straightforward in the damage caused by its antagonist.
I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams
See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams?
Go to http://blackcomicguy.wordpress.com/ to read some of my thoughts on comics, film and television.