8 Lazy Movies That Were Just Copying Better Films

7. David S. Goyer Repeats His Batman Begins Script - Man Of Steel

Warner Bros.

Man Of Steel really divided opinion, with half the audience loving the reinvention of Kal-El, while others saw nothing beyond a city being totally and carelessly decimated. No matter which camp you fall into (where the majority of the writers on this site stand is well documented) there's no denying that the film bears more than a passing resemblance to Batman Begins.

From the obvious - flashbacks fleshing out the character, more serious tone, longer spent investing in character's motivations - to the more intricate - both Begins and Man Of Steel used pre-existing reimaginings of their heroes from the comics, eschewing the standard iconography - on a basic level (i.e. minus Zack Snyder's directorial style) the two films are born of the same blueprint.

And it's noticeable that both have one major creative role filled by the same person. David S. Goyer (who should totally be played by Stanley Tucci if a movie version of his life should be made) was a major force in darkening Batman, writing the screenplay for Begins and working on the story for the later two instalments of the Dark Knight Trilogy, and it wasn't too surprising that Warner Bros. got him to come work the same magic for Superman. And they must have been delighted because his story is pretty much the same thing, only with the odd Kryptonian inflection.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.