8 Little Known Nuances In Tom Hardy’s Performance That Made Nolan’s Bane Awesome

2. The Voice Was Changed From The Prologue

Bane Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros.

When fans first got to see the Joker in the pre-release prologue before I Am Legend it was a definite case of €˜Jack Who?€™ It was a beautiful standalone element that set up the chaotic villain and set a precedent The Dark Knight Rises attempted to cash in on, putting the opening before IMAX prints of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

The trilogy ender€™s opening is more directly linked into the plot, so for all its plane destroying coolness, it felt a little too teasing. That wasn't why there was a backlash against Rises prologue, however; the main reason for that was no one could understand what Bane was saying. No opportunity for lip reading coupled with a heavily accented voice had many people complaining they had no idea what he was saying.

Suddenly the most anticipated film of the year had a massive worry stamped on it. If you're wondering why this wasn't a problem in the final film, that'€™s because Hardy came in and re-did some of his lines. There€™s no official word on this, but as you can see in the video below, the inflection of many lines has been altered and overall the thick accent has been cleared up, so a conscious change was made.

OK, there was some confusion over what the hulking mass was saying when the film was finally released, but that€™'s more to do with certain cinemas having poor sound systems and faux-cine-hipsters coming late to the party than a genuine problem with the film; the home video release has wonderfully crisp audio.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.