8 Little Known Tics In Christian Bale's Performance That Made American Psycho's Patrick Bateman Epic

4. He Genuinely Did Bateman's Morning Routine

American Psycho Cristian Bale

It only takes one glimpse at Bale's physique whilst playing the role of Patrick Bateman in this 2000 hit to realise that an awful lot of hard work must've gone into sculpting the star's body into immaculate shape. Hours upon hours of working out in the lead-up to the project was merely the beginning of this committed shift towards realising Bateman's body on the big screen, though.

In one of the most iconic sequences in the feature, Bateman is seen putting himself through a well-thought-out morning routine which consisted of everything from putting an ice pack on his puffy face whilst doing a thousand stomach crunches, to an extremely precise shower gel combination. So, determined to breathe authentic life into Bateman on set, Bale actually performed this exact same routine each and every morning whilst filming.

Some actors listen to a certain piece of music to get themselves into a character's headspace, others do sit-ups until their abs explode and delicately peel off a herb-mint facial mask to get into the zone.

Oh, and with that in mind...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...