8 Lost Movie Scenes That Were Found Years Later

6. Super Mario Bros. The Movie - Political Rap

Super Mario Brothers is a prime example of a movie that shook so hard during its shooting that nearly every nut and bolt just about flew off the thing and it almost fell apart entirely. Its editors did what they could to take their wrenches to it and tighten it up and, as such, many scenes were cast to the wayside.

Whilst usually pointed and laughed at, there is a cult following for the 1993 film adaptation of Nintendo’s famous mascot that can find the fun in the ridiculousness of it all. Those people were elated then that in 2019 the Super Mario Bros The Movie Archive announced they had found a tape with 15 more minutes of footage.

This tape confirmed a lot of rumours about what the film’s directors, Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel, had shot that had been cut by interfering studio heads.

Most important out of all of it, was that it finally unearthed a scene that gives further reason and depth to the out-of-nowhere twist that the villainous King Koopa’s underlings Spike and Iggy would turn on their leader.

That scene? A 90s as all heck trade-off rap performance. Likely cut due to its political commentary - essentially the two characters are performing a political rally - it's an awkward but still goodhearted comedic moment that matches the general tone of the rest of the movie.

Further moments found on the tape certainly back up the more political tones that were discarded but the rap scene was certainly the centrepiece.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.