8 Marvel Movie Villains Better Than The Comics

5. Pyro (X2, X-Men: The Last Stand)

The Comic Version: Born St. John Allerdyce, the Australian mutant Pyro learned early on that he could manipulate fire. Recruited by Mystique, he joined the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and helped to attempt an assassination on Senator Robert Kelly. In later years, he was little more than a foot soldier for other factions until he became infected with the fatal Legacy virus. As he came close to death, he realized the futility of the struggle between humans and mutants, saving Kelly and inspiring him to work towards co-existence. The Better Movie Version: Pyro actually had a compelling redemption arc in the comics but his corruption in the films speaks to an equally pertinent theme. Using his powers for fun and small acts of revenge, the American John Allerdyce never really fit in with the X-Men. He felt they were holding him back and denying who he really was, only to find acceptance with Magneto, who believes that they should not be the ones in hiding. Pyro's journey to the dark side showed why Magneto was so compelling and proved that there wasn€™t necessarily a right way to handle oppression. His rivalry with Iceman furthered this point home and helped to exemplify one of the central themes of the series in a more thoughtful and developed way than the comics managed.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.