8 Mental Illnesses That Only Exist In Movies
Homeland as a character trying to maintain the stresses of her job with bipolar disorder. Film on the other hand has a limited amount of time but sometimes a couple of hours is all that is needed to portray mental illness in the right light. Memento and even Finding Nemo depict a realistic portrayal of amnesia. As Good As It Gets is a brilliant depiction of OCD and how it impacts every day aspects of life. And Rain Man was one of the first films to depict autism accurately on film, but even this led to the misconception that all sufferers of autism are also savants. With the latest discussion over whether The Silver Linings Playbook suggests bipolar disorder can be cured by love, there is a big question over how effectively mental illness is portrayed on film. Sometimes films stretch the credibility of mental disorder to fit the plot. How many times have you said that would never happen or a moment of mental crisis conveniently move the plot into a tangent? Sometimes the use of crazy is just thatcrazy. I take a look at some mental illnesses that only exist in the world of film.* *Disclaimer. Im sure if you dug deep across various journals, you could find real life examples of everything I've discussed below. That being said, the mental illnesses I cover in this article could also be considered rather extreme. Let's click "next" below...