8 Mind-Blowing Tricks Famous Movies Subtly Played On You

1. You€™'re Unnerved Because The Hotel Layout Makes No Sense - The Shining

The Shining movie
Warner Bros.

Whenever people talk about Room 237, last year's documentary on how constant reaffirmation without challenge can allow smart people to go crazy over the themes of The Shining, it's always in a condescending manner towards the suggestion the film is an apology for his faking of the moon landings.

While there's a lot of rubbish ideas (although that is part of the fun) there are some brilliant observations. Chief among them is that the layout of the Overlook Hotel repeatedly doubles back on itself, making no sense at all.

Watch again and look at the location of the office where Jack has his initial interview has a window; later on you'll see it's actually windowless and in the middle of the hotel. A creepier scene altogether, when Jack discusses his family with Grady, is even worse because it so blatant.

On his second trip to the hotel bar an advocaat incident has the duo loop back on themselves; the toilet where they have their conversation is where devilishly dressed bartender Llyod should be. The meaning is as vague as anything with this film, but the general consensus is the hotel/Jack's mind are actually changing the layout.

Now you can see why it's so scary.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.