8 More Horror Movie Fan Theories That Make The Films Even Creepier

2. It's All About The Bible - Mother!

Mother Jennifer Lawrence

Darren Aronofsky's mother! is abstract and intentionally abrasive to a fault. Essentially, it's almost two hours of the director wanting the audience to be as miserable as possible, putting them into one awkward social situation after another, and then having hell literally descend on the film in an explosive finale that features mass executions and the decapitation of a baby.

There is a method to the madness though, and the primary theory surrounding the movie's confusing plot spins off some details Aronosfsky has revealed himself, such as Jennifer Lawrence's character being a stand in for Mother Nature and Javier Bardem being an Old Testament God, but ignores how these characters have supposedly been used to primarily comment on how humans treat the planet.

This theory instead states that the movie is actually more of a pessimistic retelling of the world's creation (and its destruction), rather than offering an eco-friendly message. The first half is a bloody depiction of the Creation myth, with Ed Harris' "Man" and Michelle Pfeiffer's "Woman", who are Adam and Eve stand ins, warring with their two sons, one of which kills the other just like in the story of Cain and Able.

This gives way to the full-on apocalypse by the end, with the anarchy of the final 20 minutes reflecting each apocalyptic "seal" in the book of Revelations. It starts with war, moves onto famine, death, martyrdom, an earthquake and, ultimately, silence. Each of these stages are cycled through quickly in the final third, forcing a hard reset that takes us right back to the beginning with just God, Mother Nature and their creation, with the whole thing destined to play out once more.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.