8 More Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

1. Éomer Loses His Sword - The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake
New Line Cinema

You'd like to think that the mighty Riders of Rohan know a thing or two about how to properly store their equipment when riding into battle against various orcs, goblins, or Uruk-hai.

However, as revealed in a brief but still rather surreal moment during The Two Towers, it appears that even the great Éomer suffers the odd sword mishap from time to time.

Not long after the exiled Rohirrim surround Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, and eventually inform them that their Hobbit pals have likely been killed, Éomer offers the gang a pair of horses and advises them to go and look for their (probably dead) mates.

And it's during this somewhat gloomy moment that the horsemaster's blade appears to gradually slip out of its scabbard as the camera cuts to a concerned-looking rightful King of Gondor (3:39 in the clip below).

This sort of sudden blunder is incredibly easy to miss even on the biggest of screens, with the camera operator doing their best to move rapidly up to Karl Urban's face before the blade fully slips out of its sheath.

But even before then, it's painfully clear, and difficult to unsee, that the sword was strangely already 80% hanging out of its holster as he trotted up to the Fellowship heroes.

And now you have another excuse to go fire up The Lord of the Rings trilogy for the 300th time, folks.

You are welcome.

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New Line Cinema

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