8 More Movie Plot Twists So Subtle You Totally Missed Them

2. John Hammond Caused The Incident By...Sparing Expense - Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park Richard Attenborough Wayne Knight

The Movie

Steven Spielberg's 1993 thriller Jurassic Park needs no introduction - it's another groundbreaking blockbuster from a filmmaker at the top of their game.

Tightly wound, smart, fantastically acted and visually stunning, it's also aged like a fine wine and continues to shame all four (!) of its current sequels.

The Twist You Didn't Notice

When your movie is centered on genetically engineered dinosaurs wreaking havoc, you don't really need a particularly intricate or twist-laden narrative.

And for the most part, despite its fancy window-dressing, Jurassic Park is a ruthlessly simple and efficient survival story with Spielberg's usual focus on unconventional family dynamics.

In fact, the closest thing the film has to an out-and-out "gotcha!" twist is the revelation that the park's failure is caused by Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight), a disgruntled computer programmer who shut down the park's security system in an attempt to sneak some dinosaur embryos off the island.

And though the responsibility of the consequent carnage ultimately falls to Nedry, the chain of causation actually goes back to industrialist John Hammond (Richard Attenborough).

Despite Hammond's claim that he "spared no expense" with the park, it's clearly implied that Nedry is over-worked and underpaid, a fact that's even more obvious in Michael Crichton's book (where Nedry's workload increases without sufficient compensation).

This isn't to ignore the film's mention of Nedry having debts, but had Hammond not been such a cheapskate with his personnel - after clearly spending a princely sum building the park - then Nedry likely never would've felt motivated to sneak the embryos out.

The delicious irony is that, if Hammond truly had spared no expense, then the disaster never would've happened.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.