8 Most Confusing Movies Nobody Understands

6. Bug

Only God Forgives Ryan Gosling

Bug's premise finds a woman holed up in a rural Oklahoma motel with a paranoid man who's obsessed with conspiracy theories about insects and the government. The plot barely develops from here, with director William Friedkin aspiring only to conjure claustrophobia and mess with the viewer's head.

Lead actors Ashley Judd and Michael Shannon are caught up in a feedback loop of their own delusions and there's a creeping sense of their minds unravelling throughout, visually represented by the hotel room's increasingly tin foil-coated walls.

Friedkin's intention was to make the viewer feel like they too are descending into insanity, and it's difficult to claim it wasn't mission accomplished while you're being assaulted by Bug's darkly hallucinogenic imagery.

Bug plays out as more of a visceral experience than a narrative-driven story. You'll come away feeling unsettled and relieved it's all over, but nobody can say for sure what really went down in that seedy motel room.


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