8 Most Ridiculous Harry Potter Fan Theories

2. Willa Wonka And The Weasley Factory

Professor McGonagall Death Eater
Paramount Pictures

One of the more bizarre branch-outs from the Harry Potter fanbase, there's speculation that wizards aren't confined to the Harry Potter films alone - and that one in particular has escaped for his own secret spin off. As fate would have it, George Weasley is believed to be the true Willy Wonka: because why the heck not?

Turning his hand to the sweets industry after his brother's death, George set himself up a factory where he could continue the business he set up with Fred; creating the weird, wonderful, and downright impossible for muggles to marvel at the world over. It not only explains how Wonka's incredible factory truly works, but why the chocolatier would lock himself up for years before the golden ticket competition - namely, grief.

That grief is embodied in his office, where every item is neatly split in half, just as the lost twin would now feel after death eaters killed his identical brother. Wonka even wears the very same top hat that adorns the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes shop, and most importantly, is 'a trifle deaf' in the very ear that George lost in battle. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

All it takes is a quick whizz on the time turner, and bosh, George is even in the right era. Magical.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.