8 Movie Characters Whose Revenge Was Way Over The Top

7. Carrie White - Carrie

Carrie tells the story of a young girl who - whilst going through puberty - awakens psychic powers she cannot control or fully understand. At the end of the movie, during prom, Carrie finds finds herself embarrassed to death when she realises she's been the butt of a long joke, and - covered in pig's blood and exacting her revenge - she locks everybody in the school gym, sets a hose on them, starts an electrical fire, and kills almost everyone. Most of whom were innocent, by the way. Yes, the iconic scene at the end of Stephen King's novel turned film is supposed to be tragic, and audiences are under the impression that Carrie - in a fit of rage - is unable to fully comprehend what she's doing. But through said rage must still know what's happening, and that innocent students who weren't even in on the prank will die. No, she wasn't entirely to blame, but a lot of people who were not actively involved in bullying or making fun of Carrie ended up burned to death. Bit of an oversight, that.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.