8 Movie Characters Whose Revenge Was Way Over The Top

5. The Bride - Kill Bill

You can kind of understand why the Bride went so revenge crazy across the span of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill movies, given that she was shot in the head and left for dead on her wedding day - not to mention she was pregnant at the time, and was under the impression that her unborn child had been murdered in the process. So the Bride's beef was with pretty much everyone involved with her former mentor and lover, Bill - namely her associates over at the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. To exact her revenge, the Bride makes a list of names - if you happened to get in her way as she sought out bloody satisfaction upon each name, chances are you ended up either dead, maimed or unable to speak. It really was - as the movie advertisements claimed - a "roaring rampage of revenge." But did she take things a little too far? Perhaps. Think on it: it makes sense that she kills everyone who shot up her wedding, but there are questionable moments scattered throughout - like when the Bride murders Vernita Green in front of her child, or slaughters countless sword-wielding Yakuza members in the House of Blue Leaves. Surely there was a way to ensure only the right people died? When you consider that, ultimately, she was after a single person, it's kind of OTT - she murders at least 33 other human beings in an attempt to reach him. Then again, that's presumably the point: Tarantino wanted to make the ultimate revenge flick, after all.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.