8 Movie Characters Whose Revenge Was Way Over The Top

2. John Wick

At its most fundamental level, the Keanu Reeves action revenge flick John Wick is a motion picture about a man who goes on a seemingly endless killing rampage because somebody murders his dog and steals his car. Of course, the dog stands for something more than a dog within the context of the movie - it's a gift from John Wick's recently deceased wife, something she arranged to be sent to him after she has passed away. As a result, hurting said dog is like hurting his wife... which leads John on a path of bloodshed that results in the deaths of dozens of people. Yes, you understand his grief, and given that Wick is a former assassin, his reaction isn't exactly shocking. But when you consider that John Wick is essentially a movie about a man murdering loads of people because his dog died... well, his reaction to said incident seems a little over-the-top. Not that you'd say that to the man's face, of course.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.