8 Movie Heroes Who Definitely Have Personality Disorders

7. Hermione Granger - Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Hermione Granger is the model student, but her obsession with rules regulations and exams could be an indicator of disordered thinking. When she arrives at Hogwarts, Hermione has an almost chronic obsession with rules and regulation, a trait that is especially unusual in children on the cusp of puberty. Her excessive reliance on authority indicates insecurity and doubt when it comes to autonomy and spontaneity. People with OCPD are pathological perfectionists. They display undue preoccupation with productivity and often allow this to get in the way of their personal relationships and happiness. Hermione's reliance on a time turner in order to complete an unreasonable about of work to and unreasonable level of perfection came at the cost of her mental well being and even her physical health as she began to display symptoms of exhaustion and stress. The stubborn adherence to rules and social conventions can put pressure on personal relationships, such as when she damages her relationship with Harry after insisting he hand his Firebolt over to Professor McGonagall. Another symptom of OCPD is that sufferers tend to insist that others fall in line with their methods. Hermione repeatedly buys her closest friends gifts such as revision planners and reference books. These are gifts that Hermione herself would enjoy, but the boys would not, demonstrating social and cognitive inflexibility. Hermione allows her compulsive perfectionism to impact on her mental well being. Her boggart transforms itself into Professor McGonagall giving her fail grades, indicating the disproportionate levels of stress and anxiety associated with perfection, above that of the representations of death or dangerous creatures of her classmates.

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