8 Movies Banned For Telling You How To Commit A Crime

5. Carjacking - RoboCop 2

Terminator 2 Sarah Connor

The BBFC put the scissors to RoboCop 2 during its original theatrical release, making nine cuts of violence amounting to 31 seconds, and removing a further four seconds for the subsequent VHS release.

In this case, the objectionable content was taken from the film's opening scene, where a criminal is shown breaking into a car by sliding a blade beneath the window and triggering the unlocking mechanism.

Given that the demonstrated method is relatively legitimate - car thieves will often use a thin metal rod called a "slim jim" to reach the mechanism - the BBFC felt that depicting it could result in a wave of car thefts across the UK.

This isn't to forget the scene's context within the movie itself, though, being part of a satirical faux-commercial for a fictional anti-carjacker device called the MagnaVolt, which shocks car thieves to death.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.