8 Movies Marvel Should Have Made Over Guardians Of The Galaxy

3. Daredevil

Daredevil1 Another street-level hero that has been sadly neglected over the years, Daredevil has recently been revamped in a fantastic comic by Mark Waid. The Man Without Fear, now the rights have finally reverted back to Marvel, deserves to be handled with care, rather than a rehash of the last effort by rushing in blindly (pun fully intended). The presence of Matt Murdock opens up a variety of heroes and villains at Marvel's disposal, most notably the ninja clan named the Hand, and fat mob boss the Kingpin. A Marvel Knights movie (think the low-budget Avengers) with Fist, Cage, Punisher and Daredevil teaming up to stop a gang war between the Kingpin's super-assassins and the ninja forces of the Hand? All of this becomes possible with Daredevil back in the fold.

Writer and contributor living in the UK. When Matt is periodically released from his padded cell in Arkham, he spends his time writing for both Whatculture and his personal blog, www.filmclubber.co.uk