8 Movies That Got Directors Fired From Other Movies

6. X-Men Apocalypse's Underperformance Got Bryan Singer Fired From Dark Phoenix

x-men singer

It truly is fascinating that Bryan Singer managed to maintain a successful Hollywood career for as long as he did despite so many allegations of abuse being levelled against him over the decades.

Even when the allegations intensified amid the release of 2014's Days of Future Past, Fox stood by the director and invited him back to helm 2016's Apocalypse.

However, Singer didn't end up returning to direct what would be the final film in Fox's X-Men franchise, Dark Phoenix.

While many speculated that this was due to Singer's increasingly radioactive standing in the industry, Singer was actually dismissed from the sequel due to the critical and commercial under-performance of Apocalypse.

Though it's entirely possible - if not likely - that Singer's troubled history made the decision that much easier, it was announced mere months after Apocalypse's release that the studio was pressing the "reset button," wishing to develop future films with a new filmmaking voice.

Sadly Fox continued to entrust the franchise to wildly hit-and-miss writer Simon Kinberg, and made the additionally ill-informed decision to hire him to direct Dark Phoenix as his filmmaking debut.

To the surprise of no-one, Dark Phoenix flamed out in every way that mattered, while Singer's career has been firebombed beyond recognition by a slew of additional sexual abuse allegations.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.