8 Movies That Got Directors Fired From Other Movies

4. Fantastic Four's Troubled Production Got Josh Trank Fired From The Boba Fett Solo Movie

x-men singer

On paper, Chronicle director Josh Trank seemed like an inspired choice to helm a gritty reboot of the Fantastic Four franchise for Fox.

There was enough industry confidence in his talents that, mere weeks into film, Trank was also announced to be directing a standalone Star Wars film, said to be a Boba Fett solo movie.

But before Fantastic Four's release, word got out that Trank's on-set behaviour was less-than-ideal, reportedly damaging his rented accommodation and failing to communicate with studio executives, causing the studio to try and salvage the film with reshoots.

As such, several months before Fantastic Four hit screens, it was announced that Trank had exited the Boba Fett movie, or as insiders claimed, he had been let go from the movie by Lucasfilm executives due to his volatile behaviour.

It absolutely tracks - letting a troubled director take charge of a mega-budget movie from one of the world's most valuable IP would be straight-up fiscally irresponsible.

Six years since Trank's firing, the Boba Fett movie never materialised - though the character has re-appeared on The Mandalorian - and Trank has since only directed the mediocre Al Capone biopic Capone starring Tom Hardy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.