8 Movies That Sacrificed Their Integrity By Pandering To The Masses

2. The Great Gatsby (2013)

GatsbySacrificed Its Integrity By... Emphasising Visuals Over Actual Story You could be forgiven for thinking that The Great Gatsby is a vapid novel about colours and lights and dancing and velvet cushions and characters who are so uninteresting that there's no point trying to develop them for the big screen version, given that that's how Baz Luhrmann seemed to approach F. Scott Fitzgerald's book in his new interpretation. Forget that this is one of the greatest novels ever written, says Baz. Watch all this pretty stuff instead! It's genuinely shocking as to how butchered Fitzgerald's jazz age classic feels up on the screen here, presumably because Lurhmann thought that audiences would prefer to watch him overdo pretty much everything that has the potential to be overdone for some reason. So, yes, we got a Great Gatsby that didn't come across as being all that great: it just unnerves me to think that we live in a world where filmmakers have so little faith in audiences.

All-round pop culture obsessive.