8 Movies That Were Secretly Remakes Of Remakes

5. Love Affair

Love Affair.jpg
20th Century Fox/Warner Bros. Pictures

The Original: Love Affair (1939)

The Remake: An Affair To Remember (1957)

The Remake Remake: Love Affair (1994)

Remaking isn't just the action of shills desperate to bypass the story development stage and get straight to screaming action; back in the early years of cinema where technology moved forward in leaps and bounds and revisiting to old curios was less of a thing, some filmmakers would go back and re-do their own work. The most famous case is Hitchcock with The Man Who Knew Too Much in 1934 and 1956, but we're yet to get a third remake that (wait a bit and Shia LaBeouf'll get round to it though), so let's look at another case.

In 1957, Leo McCarey remade his own Love Affair as An Affair To Remember, re-telling the story of a playboy wrestling with whether he should give up on that life and settle down. It holds up fairly well given the time, with Cary Grant's dependable charm neatly skirting over how both main characters are in fact cheating on their respective better halves, but that seemed to be the end of it.

However, it turned out it was such a strong tale that it needed to be redone once more. In 1994 Warren Beatty got ahold of the rights and made a version with Annette Bening that took the first film's name, but the expanded scope of the original remake. It wasn't worth it.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.