8 Movies Where The US Version DELETED The Best Scenes

4. The Descent - The Last 30 Seconds

Christian Slater

As it goes, the original ending of The Descent, that was unleashed onto U.K. audiences, actually found a great deal of inspiration in one of the previous entries on this list. Director Neil Marshall revealed as much in the wake of its arrival, explaining that, "The original ending for Brazil was a massive inspiration for the original ending of The Descent – the idea that someone can go insane on the outside, but inside they've found happiness."

However, if you were taking in this feature from across the pond, the chilling conclusion which saw Sarah wake up in the cavern shortly after completely hallucinating her hopeful escape and realising that the crawlers were rapidly heading her way was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, largely due to complaints over it again being too bleak, the last 30 seconds of the feature were cleanly chopped from the U.S. release. This meant that the film alternatively ended on the visual of the ghost of Juno joining Sarah in her car after spewing mid-getaway, depriving U.S. audiences of one of the movie's most moving moments; that of Sarah's daughter Jessica gifting her a birthday cake before the hallucination reveals it's simply a torch before her.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...