8 Movies You Won't Believe Are Set In The Same Universe

3. Daredevil & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Whilst acknowledging that none of the previous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies have made reference to this event, and that the abomination that was the Daredevil effort decided to re-write the origin story of the hero, there is a planned reboot of the former to be released later this year, so you never know, this link could suddenly be more apparent. The same bizarre accident which blinded and gave birth to Daredevil was also responsible for the creation of your favourite pizza chomping be-shelled turtles. Daredevil initially received his superpowers thanks to being hit in the face with a big ol' canister of mysterious radioactive goo. Nothing glamorous - literally just being smashed in the money maker with a big tin of nuclear fun. But what Stan Lee forgot to do was tell us what happened to that canister of goo after the accident, which allowed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle creators Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman, both huge Daredevil fans, to take liberties. Splinter, the turtles' mentor actually witnesses the boy that would become Daredevil being struck by the canister, and observes it landing in the sewer after smashing a case containing four baby turtles. And thus, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael were born... right out of a copyright loophole. Granted, Daredevil is not one of the main household names of the Marvel comics, but it is admirably ballsy that someone managed to create a franchise of their own from the very same origin story of a character that had already been an established success for twenty years at that point. More to the point, the phenomenal success of the Ninja Turtles in the decade that followed must surely push Daredevil close, if not surpass it in terms of commercial success, so serious points for innovation there. I sincerely hope the new movie uses this origin story - if nothing else but to give new hope to a Daredevil movie done correctly.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.