8 New Awards Categories That Would Make The Oscars Better

6. Best Performance In An Animated Feature

Oscars Best Stunt

It's fascinating that animated films have their own category separate from "real" films, and while we also celebrate the technical side of them, the vocal performances of an actor playing the role rarely get any nod from the Academy.

And while they are at most an actor stood in a booth screaming into a microphone, the physical and vocal strain they do put themselves through in order to capture the emotion of their characters has to be rewarded more.

If we are to raise our eyebrows in interest when we hear of an actor being cast in the latest Pixar film, and the reception of that actor warrants applause, maybe the Academy should start rewarding them for it.

Tom Hanks earning a nomination as Fred Rogers is a delight to learn, but an argument could be made that he found far more emotion in his fourth outing as Woody than any other performance.

It might be time for the Academy to start taking animated films a bit more seriously, and acknowledge that just because it isn't actually Holly Hunter stretching across the screen in The Incredibles, her performance as Elastigirl was just as captivating as any live-action role.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!