8 Overhyped Movies We Can Consider Fairly Now The Dust Has Settled

7. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The Dark Knight RisesThe Original Reaction...

rating: 3.5

Though there's no doubt that everyone is sick and tired of hearing about The Dark Knight Rises (and how underrated or overrated it was), it seemed wrong to write a list like this without including it. There's no denying that, upon first release, fans were divided with regards to the quality of Christopher Nolan's third Batman movie, but for my money, it was a bombastic, overwritten, and badly-structured, and yet (somehow) it also managed to be engaging, thrilling and atmospheric. And yet as a sequel to The Dark Knight, I felt that it failed to deliver considerably. Now The Dust Has Settled...

rating: 4

At its most fundamental core, The Dark Knight Rises is an incredibly impressive blockbuster: there is plenty to marvel at here on a whole bunch of levels (music, cinematography, sound), and though movie-goers should not be expected to overlook its inherent plot holes or some questionable moments, re-watching this gave me a new appreciation of its purposefully cold and clinical tone, which really did evoke the atmosphere of Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. It is by far the weakest of the Nolan Batman flicks (and the hardest to love), but for all its pretensions, there's a quiet intelligence here that's hard to shake: a movie made more interesting by its failings.

All-round pop culture obsessive.