8 Possible Thor Ragnarok Post Credit Scenes We'd Love To See

4. A Check In With Earth

Thor Ragnarok Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Through the Doctor Strange post credit scene, and dozens of set pictures, we have learned that at least a part of Thor: Ragnarok will take place on Earth, with Thor and Loki seemingly teaming up with Strange to find Odin.

However, this is not likely to play a large part in the movie, as we know the majority will take place in space. Therefore, we may be able to check in on Earth after the credits to see the consequences of the Asgardian's visit.

At some point, Doctor Strange has to be brought into the world of The Avengers, to aid in the fight against Thanos. Picture Stephen Strange, after his mini adventure with Thor and Loki, back in the Sanctum Sanctorum. He is discussing the events with Wong, and decides to look further into Thor's other friends.

This could be the window into The Avengers' world that Doctor Strange needs, and could work much better as a post credit scene than in Infinity War itself, in the same way that the Doctor Strange post credit scene worked.

With Infinity War already bound to be pressed for time, with so many characters and story arcs, this would allow the integration of Doctor Strange with the other heroes to be streamlined, without losing any of its effect.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.