8 Powers You Didn't Know Michael Myers Had

5. He's An Illusionist

In the aptly titled Halloween Resurrection, which should not be confused with Alien: Resurrection, Michael Myers pulls off a trick that must€™ve made David Blaine grind his teeth with envy €“ he reappears after being decapitated. In order to pull this off, Myers fell back on his CIA training, which taught the importance of illusion. Or maybe he€™d seen Eraser, where Arnold Schwarzenegger substitutes another man for Robert Pastorelli in order to help him fake his death. Anyway, in order to fool Jamie Lee Curtis into believing she€™s attacking the right guy, Mikey kidnaps a parademic, crushes his larynx so he can€™t speak and then dresses the poor schmuck in his clothes. Pretty clever, eh? Plus, it has the added bonus of sending Jamie to the loony bin, where the doors are so thin than Mikey can walk through them when he returns for revenge.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'