8 Problems Which Prevent Interstellar From Becoming A Masterpiece

7. Some Shoddy Dialogue

Interstellar is a movie with grand ambitions and a wealth of ideas it wishes to get across, and it is perhaps inevitable that these concepts, voiced through the mouths of its characters, might get in the way of convincing-sounding dialogue. That they do so to such a large degree is just a part of the problem when it comes to the dialogue in the movie - the explanations and exposition (more on that later) could be dismissed as necessary if the dialogue didn't feel so incongruous with the characters, who often feel like just that - characters in a movie reciting cliched and predictable dialogue. Lines like €œMankind was born on earth but it was ­never meant to die here€ and €œWe€™re not meant to save the world. We€™re meant to leave it," proliferate throughout the script, and while they might make for good taglines on movie posters ultimately they hardly resemble the manner in which actual human beings talk, and this staginess inevitably distracts from the grounded authenticity Interstellar otherwise strives for.

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