8 Problems With Reservoir Dogs Nobody Wants To Admit

3. The Movie Is Never Better Than Its Opening Scene

How do you beat something as brilliantly original and breathtaking as Reservoir Dogs' iconic opening scene? Quite simply, you don't. That's to say, for all its narrative shifts and unexpected plot twists, Quentin Tarantino's debut never produces a scene as good as its first for the length of its runtime. A few come close, of course, like when Mr. Blonde dances to Stealers Wheel or when Mr. White, Joe and Nice Guy Eddie face off at the end of the movie, but that first scene is amazing. There's so much to take in during the opening; the awesome camera work that glides around the table, highlighting our characters as they shoot the sh*t before taking on the job; the hilarious and somewhat awkward debate over tipping, courtesy of the fantastic Steve Buscemi; the little moment where Mr. Blonde pretends to shoot Mr. White. Yes, there's lots to savour and enjoy during the opening 10 minutes of Reservoir Dogs - not to mention that it's layered with little nods and allusions to things that happen later in the picture. Essentially, the opening diner scene is the key to the rest of the movie. And so, despite its efforts, the rest of Reservoir Dogs simply can't compete.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.