8 Problems With Upcoming Movies (That Have Already Been Solved)

7. Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars Kylo Ren

The Problem: The Last Jedi turned hardcore Star Wars fans against the Disney regime.

The Solution: Smack that nostalgia/fan service button! Smack it hard!

While The Last Jedi did well financially and critically, a vocal section of the fanbase absolutely hated it. To this day, director Rian Johnson's Twitter feed is full of replies from people telling him that he sucks and that he killed the Star Wars franchise, and this backlash was partially responsible for Solo's outright box-office failure.

All of this controversy has put the upcoming Rise Of Skywalker in a tricky position. Not only does it have to be a strong film, but it has to try and please the section of the fanbase that has become so disillusioned by Disney's recent Star Wars output. That might seem like an insurmountable task considering what happened to Solo, but the studio has already begun to turn the tide even with the film still months away.

How so? Well, Disney has chosen to pump The Rise Of Skywalker with as much fan-service as possible. Not only is Luke Skywalker returning after dying at the end of The Last Jedi, but Lando Calrissian is back, Palpatine is involved, Darth Vader's mask will appear, Leia's story will be concluded, and Dark Rey's lightsaber is even reminiscent of Darth Maul's. Plus, all of the franchise's major musical themes will be weaved into the score by John Williams, including those from the original and prequel trilogies.

Now yes, the movie might still suck, but even before it hits screens, it needs to try and pique the interest of those hardcore Star Wars fans, and fan service is the best way to do it. Even looking at tangential evidence like the Prequel Memes subreddit, the fans over there are definitely more interested in Episode 9 now than they were a year ago, a sign that the film is slowly but surely winning one of its biggest battles.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.