8 Really Stupid Plans Comic Book Movie Villains Tried

3. Apocalypse Makes Everyone His Enemy - X-Men: Apocalypse

Lex Luthor Superman Returns
20th Century Fox

The Plan: Apocalypse wants Earth to be ruled by the biggest, baddest mutants of them all, so sets about wrecking everything in sight, with the help of his Four Horsemen, so he can rebuild "from the ashes."

Why It's Stupid: Apocalypse makes a couple of basic gaffes here, which would put a dent in his wish to rebuild the Earth with some powerful allies.

For starters, he wants to expose the planet to devastation, thus exposing the strongest mutants who could survive said devastation, yet he sends all our nukes... into space?

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Wouldn't firing a nuke into a big city and seeing if any mutants survive prove a worthy test for those he wishes to recruit? He could've found all the powerful mutants in a day.

Instead, he relies on Magneto - who regularly hops between good guy and bad guy - to decimate the Earth for him. And look how that turned out.

He then sets his sights on acquiring Professor X's powers, by transferring his consciousness into his body. Presumably, this would be how Apocalypse gets the less-compliant mutants on his side, but what about those that are immune to, or capable of avoiding, the Professor's powers? All Magneto needed was a metal helmet!

But perhaps Apocalypse's biggest mistake lies with the entire plan as a whole; by exposing the world's strongest mutants, he's exposing the people who are best equipped to stop him, and if his plan to steal Charles' powers fails (and it does) he'll have no way to control them.

X Men Apocalypse

And, presumably, these powerful folk will be more than a little upset that Apocalypse just destroyed their planet, thus setting their crosshairs on the titular mutant.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.