8 Really Stupid Plans Comic Book Movie Villains Tried

1. Mr. Freeze Causes An Ice Age When Robbing Banks Would Be Easier - Batman & Robin

Lex Luthor Superman Returns
Warner Bros.

The Plan: Mr. Freeze's ultimate aim is to save his wife, Nora, who he's kept in stasis to stop her dying from a disease. He needs more money to complete his research, however, so plans to freeze Gotham City and hold it to ransom.

Why It's Stupid: So, Mr. Freeze wants to freeze Gotham, then ask for money. It's foolproof! But wait a second...

mr freeze chill

Batman saves the day by rearranging satellites to bounce sunlight from the Congo, where it's currently daylight. This sunlight then thaws all the ice, instantly reversing the effects of Freeze's machine.

But if all it takes is sunlight, couldn't our heroes just wait until morning for the ice to melt?

All the authorities really have to do is sit tight until it's daylight, watch Gotham thaw out, then apprehend Freeze. Even if the chilly weather did last a bit longer, what's to stop a tactical unit simply entering the city and taking Freeze out, then using the satellites to thaw all the ice?

Mr Freeze Gif 1

Simply put, it would be far easier for the villain to just rob a couple of banks and get the money that way - and the fact that he can't see that is just insane.

Any other dumb villain plots we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.